Attendance Reporting

Absences, late arrivals, and early checkouts

Attendance Reporting

Report attendance using one of the methods below.

When reporting a student's absence, please be specific about why your student will not attend school today.  

  • If reporting an ill student, include symptoms, especially if they have a fever, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, and/or cough. If your student has a diagnosis from a healthcare provider, please include that information.

General Guidelines and Procedures

Excused and Unexcused Absences

Examples of excused absences include:

  • illness
  • death in the family
  • medical and dental appointments
  • observance of religious holidays
  • family obligations

A parent must call the attendance line or send in a written note to excuse an absence. Absences that are not reported by a parent/guardian will remain unexcused until the office receives a phone call or written notice.

Examples of unexcused absences and tardies include:

  • missing the bus
  • oversleeping
  • excessive traffic
  • not wanting to go to school

Sometimes coming late or leaving early is unavoidable. However, this also can create issues for academic subjects. Please consider with your child and follow these procedures when arriving late or checking out early.

Late Arrivals

Students arriving at school after 7:30 a.m. must report to the main office and check in immediately upon arrival. This includes arrival during class changes. A parent may accompany a student to provide an explanation, or the student may bring in a signed note from a parent/guardian. Parents may also use the attendance line to report tardies.

Early Checkout

We understand that there may be times when a student needs to leave early for an appointment, travel, or other obligations. Students should bring in a written note to the main office on the morning of the early checkout day to receive a pink checkout pass. This pass will allow them to leave class, pack up, and be ready in the main office for parent pick-up at the specified time. Students must be signed out by a parent/guardian with valid identification. Please be sure to bring your ID with you each time.

Please avoid requesting a student for last-minute pick-up after 2 p.m. School dismisses at 2:15 p.m. and depending on which class a student is in and how busy office staff are, it can be difficult to pull a student before the dismissal bell.

Bus Notes

If you wish for your student to ride the school bus home with another student, you must send a handwritten note or email Mrs. Novelo at @email (calls/voice messages will not be accepted). Each student's parent must give permission; notes/emails must include the student's name, date, and bus number. These notes/emails are to be brought/sent to the main office at the start of the school day. The main office will then issue a bus pass. Without the handwritten notes or emails, we won't be able to issue bus passes.

Here Comes the Bus

Here Comes the Bus® is now available. This is a school bus tracking app that provides parents and guardians with real-time bus locations through text or email alerts. Here Comes the Bus® combines GPS and bus routing data in an easy-to-use, customizable app that works on one or multiple devices including smartphones, tablets, or desktop computers.