Student Procedure Guide

Read the English PDF version of the Student Procedure Guide here.

Herndon Middle School - Student Procedure Guide


Student Expectations 

Bus Expectations (Bus Stop & Bus Ride)

  • All SR&R expectations apply in transit to and from school, including at the bus stop and on the bus.  
  • When catching a bus, students should arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the pick-up time.  
  • Students may not ride a bus to which they are not assigned without prior permission from the school.  
  • If you plan to travel with another student, both parents must send a written note in to the Main Office requesting approval ahead of time.  This may or may not be approved for various reasons. 

Arrival to School

  • Walkers entering through the front door (Entrance #1) will wait in the Front Lobby until being released at 7:10 am. 7th graders and 8th graders getting breakfast will report to the Cafeteria. Other 8th graders will report to the Auditorium. 
  • Students arriving by bus or Kiss-and-Ride should enter through the backdoor (Entrance #6). Entrance #6 doors will not be opened until 7:10, and any students arriving earlier are free to walk around to Entrance #1 if they need to wait inside the front lobby until being released at 7:10 am for admission.
  • Any student arriving to school after 7:35 should enter at Entrance #1 and report to the Main Office.


  • The Cafeteria opens at 7:10 am for 7th graders and any 8th-grade students needing breakfast.
  • Students needing breakfast will enter the Cafeteria and immediately line up at one of the two lines.
  • The doors to the cafeteria lines close at 7:20 am, and any students who are still in the breakfast line at that time will get their breakfast in a bag "to go" and are allowed to finish their breakfast in their first class of the day. 
  • Students can choose to sit wherever they want in the cafeteria.
  • Students will be responsible for throwing away their trash and wiping down any areas in need of cleaning.
  • Dismissal from the cafeteria begins at 7:20 am, and students are expected to arrive to their first class of the day on time.

Auditorium and Auditorium Lobby

  • The Auditorium and Auditorium Lobby open at 7:10 am for 8th graders. 
  • There is no food or drink allowed in the Auditorium or Auditorium Lobby.

Morning Transition 7:20-7:25 am

  • Starting at 7:20 am, students are released from their area to report directly to their first class of the day using the most direct route.

Late Arrival

  • Students are expected in the first class of the day at 7:25 am. A warning song or bell will be broadcast throughout the school at 7:24 am encouraging students to be on time.
  • Students arriving late to school (after 7:35) must check in at the Main Office to get a tardy pass. 
  • Reasons for excused tardies include: illness or medical appointments.
  • Students stuck in Kiss and Ride traffic, oversleep, or miss the bus are marked as unexcused tardy.

Hall Transitions


  • HMS students will:
    • Walk directly to your next class using the right side of the hall.
    • Keep hallway traffic moving and respect the space of others.
    • Keep hallways clean.
    • Keep technology away for the day.
    • Maintain respectful and positive interactions with other students and staff.


  • HMS students will
    • Use the restrooms during class change and during lunch time.  
    • Flush, wash, and go!

Morning Announcements

  • The daily announcements are delivered during the first five minutes of the first block of each day.  
  • During that time, it is expected that students remain quiet and actively listen to the announcements.  
  • During the Pledge of Allegiance, students are expected to stand or sit quietly.  
  • If a student chooses not to stand, they must not disrupt others during the Pledge.  
  • During the moment of silence, students must remain silent.  

Tardy Policy

  • Students are expected to be in class on time (2 feet in the classroom when the bell rings).
  • Students late to class must enter the class quietly, follow the class tardy arrival procedure by signing the tardy tracker, and begin engaging in class.
  • Multiple tardies to class will result in interventions, calls home, and/or disciplinary action.

Student Planner Usage

  • Every student at HMS receives a planner. Bring your planner to all classes every day.
  • Record all homework assignments in the daily assignment section.
  • Replacement planners can be purchased in the main office for $5.


  • Students may request to use the passes in their student planner during class at the discretion of the teacher (3 per class, per quarter to the bathroom/water fountain).
  • Students are encouraged to use the restrooms during class change and during lunch time.
  • Students must carry a pass at all times in the hall.
  • Students should use the restroom closest to their classroom. (Flush, wash and go!)
  • Students should be quiet in the hallway and return quickly and quietly.  

Technology Usage  

  • HMS is an “away for the day” school.
  • When students enter the building at 7:10, technology is away and out of site.  This includes hallways, classrooms, cafeteria, library and offices. 
  • Students should not be wearing headphones or earbuds.  
  • Students can use their phones on the bus and when waiting outside after 2:15. 
  • Phones are not permitted in hallways during transitions to afterschool programs.  
  • Students must follow the guidelines stated in the FCPS Acceptable Use Policy while on school property, attending school-sponsored activities, or using the FCPS network.  When using school technology, it may only be used for academic purposes.
  • Confiscation: students who break the "away for the day" policy will be subject to have their device confiscated for the remainder of the day and stored in the main office vault.
    • Pick up: Students will be able to pick up confiscated phones in the main office at the end of the day. We will record instances where phones were confiscated, and repeat violations will result in requiring phone check in at the start of the day and/or parent pick up.
    • Students who's device has been taken away 2 time may pick it up at the end of the day. Students who's device have been confiscated more than 2 times, device will need to be picked up by parent or guardian. 

Student Behavior - We are HAWKS

  • Hard Working - We are prepared, where we’re supposed to be, and on task.  Getting it done!
  • Advocates - We can respectfully communicate needs related to behavior, emotions, and work tasks.
  • Willing - We are flexible and willing to give things a try, even when the task is new and challenging.
  • Kind - We respect ourselves, others, and surroundings and use kind language always.
  • Socially Appropriate - We are socially appropriate when interacting with others in person and on social media.

Lunch & Cafeteria


  • During the first week of school, students will have an assigned table in the cafeteria. Teachers will escort students to and from the classroom to the cafeteria during that first week.  
  • Starting on the second week of school, students will select the table they want to sit for the quarter, and seating charts for each table will be created for the quarter.  
  • The cafeteria is divided into three sections designated by a sign on the wall nearest the section.

Arrival in the Cafeteria & Lunch Line

  • Students will travel to the cafeteria from their classroom using their assigned hallway transition route.
  • Those students who bring their lunches will report directly to their table and take a seat. 
  • For those who get their lunches in the lunch line, students should line up in the lines upon entry to the cafeteria.
  • No more than 8 students should be inside the lunch line at one time. 

Leaving the Cafeteria

  • Students who need to use the restroom or leave the cafeteria for any other reason (clinic, Main Office, Library, counselor, etc.) must sign out with the door supervisor near the front table and take a laminated pass with them.  No more than three gentlemen and three ladies will be issued a pass at the same time.  
  • Library passes are available for those students who want to visit the Library. 
  • Students who have been assigned a lunch detention or asked to report to a teacher during lunch, must have a signed pass or planner to show the administrator or staff in the cafeteria before leaving the cafeteria. 
  • Any student serving a lunch detention in the ALC (Alternative Learning Center) will report to the cafeteria first before going to the ALC.

Clean up & Dismissal

  • On the first two days of each week, adult section leaders will identify the student responsible for cleaning the table for each ODD/EVEN day of the week and note their names on the seating chart. 
  • Table cleaners are to ensure that their table is clean and work with other students at the table to throw away their trash, wipe off the table, and sweep up under and around the table. 
  • With 7-10 minutes left at the end of lunch, it will be announced that it’s time to start clean up.  
  • Staff members will monitor students to support them in cleaning.
  • Students will be released from the cafeteria by section. 
  • Students will travel back to their classroom from the cafeteria using their assigned hallway transition route.


  • Students who are walking home must exit the front of the building at Exits #1, #2, or #9.
  • Students catching a bus must exit the rear of the building at Exit #6.  Buses depart five minutes after the dismissal bell.
  • Students getting picked up at Kiss & Ride must exit the rear of the building at Exit #6.
  • Students planning to attend the after-school program or to stay with a teacher should report immediately to the cafeteria at dismissal.

NightHawk - HMS After-School Program (ASP)

  • The ASP runs from 2:20-4:45 pm and consists of two blocks. 
  • “A Block” is from 2:40-3:40 pm,  and “B Block” is from 3:45-4:45 pm.
  • Late buses are offered on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday and depart HMS at approximately 4:45.
  • Students may participate in clubs or activities as well as get academic assistance from their teachers on designated days.  
  • Students are to remain under supervision of an adult at all times during the after-school program. 
  • Prior arrangements with parents/guardians must be made before staying after school.

Student Behavior

  • Students are expected to behave appropriately during the ASP.  All school rules and expectations are in place during this time.
  • Failure to behave appropriately may result in loss of privileges which may include not being permitted to stay after school or further disciplinary action.

Attendance in ASP

  • If you are absent from school, you may not participate in the ASP that day.  
  • Students who are assigned to in-school suspension may not participate in the ASP that day.


Emergency Drill Procedures

  • Students are to be silent during all emergency drills.  
  • During emergency drills, students are expected to quickly and quietly follow teacher directions and remain with their class. 

Assemblies & Auditorium Usage

  • When entering the auditorium for an assembly, go all the way to the left or the right and enter seats from the side aisles.  Do not use the center aisle when entering the auditorium.  
  • Move all the way to the front of the auditorium, filling in each row entirely. All seats should be filled before starting a new row.  
  • When exiting the auditorium, students will be dismissed from the back first and will utilize the center aisle.  
  • School staff may dismiss some students through the front right door, pay attention to staff direction.  
  • Students should show respect and appreciation by listening and responding appropriately. 
  • Students are expected to remain seated and wait for instructions from school staff before being dismissed from the auditorium.

Clinic Procedures

  • Students must obtain permission and a pass from their classroom teacher in order to visit the clinic.  
  • If students are not feeling well, a pass to the clinic should be requested.  
  • Students should not spend prolonged periods of time in the bathroom if they are not feeling well.

Resource Wing Access

  • Students must obtain permission and a pass from their classroom teacher or staff member in order to visit the Resource Wing.  The Resource Wing does not provide free snacks. Students signed up for the H3 program should come at the designated H3 program times. 

Field Trips

  • All SR&R expectations apply in transit to and from field trips as well as at the field trip location.

Dress Code

  • All students are expected to dress appropriately for the educational environment. 
  • Any clothing that interferes with or disrupts the educational environment is unacceptable. 
  • The following types of clothing are prohibited:
    • Vulgar/Inappropriate language or images
    • Promotion of violent conduct or gang symbols
    • Weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or drug paraphernalia
    • Clothing should fit, be neat and clean, and conform to standards of safety, good taste, and decency. 
    • Clothing that exposes private areas or an excessive amount of bare skin is prohibited. 
    • Examples of prohibited clothing include, but are not limited to: sagging or low-cut pants, tube or halter tops, studded or chain belts, clothing constructed of see through materials, and head coverings unless required for religious or medical purposes. 

Students not complying with this will be asked to cover the non-complying clothing or change clothes. Repeated infractions will result in disciplinary action.

Library Access

  • Students may visit the library between 7:20 am-7:25 am, during their lunch with permission and a pass, during class with a signed pass, during HawkTime, and after school on designated days.

Early Dismissal

  • At the start of the day, students should bring a note from home to the office explaining the circumstances for the early dismissal.  
  • Main Office staff will provide the student with a pass to get out of class at the appropriate time.