Outstanding Teacher Awards for Herndon Pyramid

March 10, 2025

FCPS annual awards for our staff are a big deal! There are multiple rounds of awards, but any recognition for your work is special. Two of Herndon Middle Schools very own were able to receive our pyramid Awards. 

Caitlin Ferrence (Math) won Herndon Pyramid: Outstanding Secondary Teacher Award
Caitlin Ferrence posing with a few students, her team teacher Ms. Carvil and Prinipal Vereb with her certificate and flowers


Katherine Yearout (Science) won Herndon Pyramid: Outstanding New Secondary Teacher Award
Katherine Yearout reciving her award and flowers from Principal Vereb


We are extremely proud to have these two amazing teachers within our school and supporting our students. Both of these teachers have advanced to the next round of awards- Region 1. We wish them all the best of luck in this next round of recognition of their fabulous work!

